To notify ILIS of your student's absence, please send an email to the following address:

You may also include the student's teachers' email addresses in the same email to let them know of their absence, but we must be notified at the above email address to properly code their absence. We do not receive attendance changes over the phone.

A few reminders:

  • Students are given 10 "parent notes" per year.  

  • If you have a doctor's note, dental note, etc. to provide, we can code the absence as "Medical" to help reserve your parent notes.

    • While you may send in hard copies of these notes, you can also simply scan/take a photo/screenshot them and email them into the attendance email address.

  • Please allow up to 48 hours for attendance changes to be put into Powerschool.

  • For tardies or early dismissals due to medical appointments, please scan/take a photo/screenshot and send in the medical note so we can excuse the tardy or early dismissal.  You may also send in hard copies of the notes.